Common Questions About Grief Camps

  • Many children who attend grief camps are nervous or hesitant before they get there. It is common, and it makes sense too. Facing your grief head-on is a scary thing for children to do, for anybody really. Also, many grief-therapy supports are not exactly fun or engaging for young people. Grief camps are different. Most kids have so much fun at these camps that they ask to return the next year! One lovely little grief camper from Camp Firefly 2021 referred to her grief camp experience as: "better than my birthday and Christmas combined!". These types of reactions are pretty incredible for a program that is designed to encourage youth to work through their most painful feelings. Grief camps are just sort of magical that way, because grief campers are healing in life-changing ways AND having fun, all at the same time. So as caregivers, all you need to do is encourage your child to build up the courage to attend grief camp. And we promise you – they will be thankful that you did.

    It also might help to show your child the Camp Firefly video on the home page. That video was created specifically to be engaging and show kids, families, and organizations what Camp Firefly is all about.

  • Who doesn't?! To struggle is to be human. Especially around death and loss. That's the whole point of this camp.

    At Camp Firefly, we are honoured when our grief campers show us their vulnerabilities and release their painful thoughts and feelings. And grief camps are the safest space to do it. Many of our grief campers will struggle in this way, or other ways, and that's more than okay with us! In fact, our Camp Firefly staff all do as well. To us: it's considered an act of bravery to share your emotions with others. Even emotions or behaviours that society often labels "difficult".

    Camp Firefly will make sure that we have the right supports in place once we have our full camper list finalized. Medications and treatments can be administered on site if ,needed and there will always be quiet and safe places for our grief campers to retreat to - if they are feeling overwhelmed. In many ways, our grief campers will dictate how they want their grief camp experience to go. We follow their lead, and we will help them feel safe.

    Furthermore, we know that many of our grief campers have helpful support workers in their communities: action therapists, respite workers, etc. We encourage our grief campers to bring their workers along with them, if they're okay with it! Camp Firefly 2021 hosted four or five support workers alongside our twenty grief campers, and it made the weekend that much more special and smooth for everyone involved. Support workers can attend the grief camp at no cost to themselves or the families they support. We are always very grateful when they come along.

  • Yes, most of the Camp Manitou grounds are extremely accessible. Even by wheelchair. Some off-path sections of Camp Manitou may be slightly difficult for some, but most parts are fully accessible.

    Furthermore, Camp Manitou just opened up Manitoba's first ever wheelchair accessible dock for canoeing and kayaking!

    Camp Manitou prides itself on its accessibility, as does Camp Firefly, and we will work with all caregivers to make sure that all of our grief campers get the very best experience.

  • Camp firefly is generally created for children aged 6-17, though exceptions can sometimes be made. Please reach out if you have a specific question regarding age or availability.

  • No, Camp Firefly 2024 is a one-day grief camp.

    Most grief camps are overnight and weekend long events. But we actually found the one-day format to work exceptionally well for the kids we support. Camp Firefly runs throughout the morning, day, and evening of August 24th - and it finishes with a big celebration at the end of the night (because the progress of our grief campers is worth celebrating!). This allows our grief-campers to return home to the comforts of their families and community supports after a heavy emotional day at grief camp. Sleeping in their own beds is also a really nice way to complete the experience.

    Future versions of this camp may extend overnight or over the course of a weekend, but Camp Firefly 2024 will be a one-day event.

  • Traditional Camp Activities

    • Zip-line
    • Wall Climbing
    • High Ropes
    • Swimming
    • Canoeing and Kayaking
    • Bonfires
    • Lawn Games
    • Basketball
    • Floor Hockey
    • Dance Party

    Grief Therapy Activities

    • Animal Therapy
    • Memory Frames
    • Memory Pillows
    • Candlelit Ceremony
    • Music Therapy
    • Grief Candle Making
    • Letter Writing to Those Who Have Died
    • Journaling
    • Breathing Exercises
    • Grief Scavenger Hunt

    *** Not all activities are offered each year. And children can choose alternative activities if they aren’t comfortable doing any of the activities offered throughout the weekend. ***

  • Nothing.

    Camp Firefly is offered at no cost to grief campers and their caregivers. Camp fees will all be covered in full, through external fundraising efforts and charitable grants.

    It is important to us at Camp Firefly that these children and youth receive the best possible grief supports, without their families and caregivers worrying about how to pay for it.

How can I register my child for Camp Firefly?

Applications for our 2025 will be available soon. You can send us a message anytime you have questions about Camp Firefly or about grief camps in general. We are happy to talk about both as much as possible.